A personalized online editor
Create your own custom style guide
Instantly applied to everything you write; change it at anytime.

AI writing assistant
Get help with 8 different features
Ensure your argument is clear and understandable.
Preset numbering
Headings, Captions, Notes all available online
Numbering applied instantly; no updating required.

Author-date, Footnotes, Endnotes
Any style applied, anytime; no updating required.
Built in library manager
Keep all your sources where you write
120 different fact sheets to store important data about sources.

Build your outline
Parts, Chapters, Sections, Subsections
Re-order anytime; all formatted perfectly.
Store academic jargon
Forget about spelling tricky jargon all the time
Write it once, and reuse it with a back slash.

Smart lists
Add a smart list that gets updated when you export
Bibliography, Contents, Endnotes, List of Images, Terminology.