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Academic writing made easy

A platform designed for writing books:
quick, easy, professional.

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The only online writing tool developed specifically for writing a wide range of books.

Easy to add chapters and parts

Linking chapters together makes numbering a no-brainer

Consecutive number automatically added across discrete sections for: headings, captions, footnotes, endnotes, page number.

Workflow in list mode
Track progress

Tracking progress is simple

Keep moving forward with progress tracking

Set a due date, a target word count, and change the status.

Easy management of headers and footers

Design and change settings, as required

Design: Front matter, body, backmatter, right-and-left, add auto content.
Settings: start chapter on a new page, force start on right-hand page, suppress header and/or footer for entire section, or just the first page.

Preset header and footer

Customize your interior design

Ensure everything is professionally formatted

Set up your custom style guide for titles, headings, paragraphs, lists, header-footers; and trim sizes.

Publishing options

Generate the content you need with one click

Whether your self-publishing, writing for school, or providing files for print-on-demand, we have the export options you need.

Export options

The essential elements in a book: front and back matter


Glossy Cover

Title page

Title, Author


Add reviewer comments


Protecting your IP


Your most important supporter


Add something inspiring


Explain the contents


An important person's review of your book


A list of chapters

List of Figures

A list of all images

List of Tables

Tables that contain data


Additional or supplementary information


Extra notes and references


A list of special terms with definitions


The people who helped

About the author

Author(s) biography

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