Easy to add chapters and parts
Linking chapters together makes numbering a no-brainer
Consecutive number automatically added across discrete sections for: headings, captions, footnotes, endnotes, page number.

Tracking progress is simple
Keep moving forward with progress tracking
Set a due date, a target word count, and change the status.
Easy management of headers and footers
Design and change settings, as required
Design: Front matter, body, backmatter, right-and-left, add auto content.
Settings: start chapter on a new page, force start on right-hand page, suppress header and/or footer for entire section, or just the first page.

Customize your interior design
Ensure everything is professionally formatted
Set up your custom style guide for titles, headings, paragraphs, lists, header-footers; and trim sizes.
Publishing options
Generate the content you need with one click
Whether your self-publishing, writing for school, or providing files for print-on-demand, we have the export options you need.