Step 6: Collaborate with others

You can share a section or an entire project

Invite collaborators

Collaborating is in real-time. When multiple collaborators are on the same section at the same time, their name will appear in a flag to show where they are writing.

Invite collaborators by

  1. Nominate their role as co-owner or writer
  2. Identifying if the sharing is for the active section or the entire project
  3. Add their email address
  4. Write a message (optional)
  5. Click send
  6. The user will receive an email where thay click on the lik and it takes them to the project


  • Owner; can do anything
  • Co-owner; can do anything except delete the project
  • Writer; can only write or edit text
Invite collaborators

Who has access

  • Invited user will be listed here
  • Revoke sharing by deleting the name
Who has access
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