Comments & Track changes

The tools menu has comments and track changes.

Comments can be added

  • Add text into the blank comment (edit as required)
  • Click the plus icon to add the comment
  • Add a due date; if required
  • Assign a collaborator; if required
  • Click the check mark to change its status from open to closed (or back again)

Track changes work this way:

  1. Turn track change on
  2. Edit your changes and they are added to a comment
  3. Click the plus icon and each individual change is split into a seperate comment
  4. each tracked change can be marked as accepted or rejected


Comments and track changes

Track changes

  1. On the tools menu, click the track changes icon to activiate
  2. Add. modify or delete text; as required, and each change will be added to the active comment
  3. Click the + icon at any time, and all recorded changes will be split into individual comments
  4. A collaborator can then accept or reject each change
Track changes
Post a comment

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